Presentation of the prickly pear value chain in Tunisia

The prickly pear, long time considered the fruit of the poor, is now recognized as a real source of socio-economic development in Tunisia. The potential of the hindi fruit - as it is called in the local dialect – does not need to be proven any longer. hindi comme on l’appelle dans le dialecte local n’est plus à prouver.

Organic prickly pear seed oil, a dermatological anti-aging product, is nowadays considered the flagship product of the Tunisian cosmetics sector.

The prickly pear industry has already received support in the framework of the PAMPAT 1 project. .

When the first phase of the project started in 2013, the value chain was barely developed. There were only five processing companies in Tunisia, prickly pear products were unknown and the hopes placed in this sector were very limited.

Today, the sector already counts 35 companies, the demand for prickly pear products continues to increase and the private sector is organized around the National Cactus Development Association ANADEC. The sector's development objectives have therefore become much more ambitious. Tunisia aims at becoming a leading country in this sector, both regarding agri-food and cosmetics.

The PAMPAT 2 project will continue working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Interprofessional Group of Fruits (GIFRUITS) and the Export Promotion Center (CEPEX) to further support the development of the prickly pear industry in Tunisia. The dynamism and growth recorded by the sector in recent years point to a strong development in the future.

More documents and videos relatifs à la filière sont disponibles ici :

Facebook page to promote the Tunisian prickly pear

directory of operators in the prickly pear's sector

Market screening for the prickly pear seed oil

 Revue de presse de la téléconférence autour de l’huile de pépins de figue de Barbarie

  Video about the tunisian prickly pear seed oil

Etude de marché de la filière de la figue de Barbarie tunisienne

  Website of the Tunisian Association for the Development of Cactus

Project for Market Access of Typical Agrofood Products (PAMPAT Tunisia) funded by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Swiss Confederation (SECO) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Finances and Investment Support, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Ressources and Fisheries.

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